The Craft of Prolog. Richard O'Keefe

The Craft of Prolog

ISBN: 0262150395,9780262150392 | 412 pages | 11 Mb

Download The Craft of Prolog

The Craft of Prolog Richard O'Keefe
Publisher: MIT

Prolog is different, but not that different. For a good discussion of meta-interpreters in Prolog the reader should turn to The Craft of Prolog by Richard O'Keefe. Hacking your program is no substitute for understanding your problem. Richard Suchenwirth 2000-12-04 -- Job requirements have reawakened my interest in Prolog, while I still love, and work with, Tcl. On my walk home today I felt an irresistible urge to recall Prolog. This post was just the tip of the iceberg. The art of Prolog ( amazon); The craft of Prolog (amazon); A prolog in haskell (, and the referenced previous implementation O'Keefe's The Craft of Prolog, of course I kept comparisons to Tcl in mind. O'Keefe Download The Craft of Prolog (Logic Programming) The emphasis in The Craft of Prolog is on using Prolog effectively. I have an old book (1994) on Prolog called The Craft of Prolog written by Richard A. The Craft of Prolog (Logic Programming) book download Richard A. Two years ago, we were intimate, but time has eroded our bonds, and she is but a shadow flitting through dark synaptical corridors. One of the crucial 'values' of the book is that "Elegance in Not Optional".